Wednesday, October 21, 2020

TUYA camera offline media files, offline!

Following a vehicle theft from in front my house, I became keenly interested in DIY camera surveillance.  One of the types I tried is a TUYA Smart Battery Wifi Camera.  Nothing but a sticker on the box genuinely indicates it is marketed by TUYA.  Most everything is generic black and white documentation.

The camera RTSP's to a TUYA cloud, and there is nothing about the wireless feature that I like. It only connects to an open network.  There is no management access to the camera core.

The quality cannot compare to Lorex.  One feature this camera has, which a Lorex system does not, is an SD-CARD slot.

I positioned the camera for an overnight watch of my backyard.  It is motioned activated, and only captured my positioning and a single clip that seemed to be the result of the neighbor's porch light.

The SD-CARD contained a DCIM directory and because the camera is not configured, a date of 1969.  The subdirectories had a simple .info file with the content "V1" and a handful of .media files.

Neither /bin/file, binwalk, nor vlc could make sense of the .media files.  Some lucky search results indicated this was a NHNT interleaved video format.

I took a wild guess that FFMPEG might be able to transcode.  Sure enough, it does

ffmpeg -i 0001media /tmp/video.mpg

And there you have it.

I wrapped the conversions in to a basic shell command.

I=1; find -name *.media | while read X; do ffmpeg -i ${X} /tmp/$(basename $X)_$I.mpg; I=$((I+1)); done

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