Sunday, September 20, 2020

Android to IOS and the elusive call logs.

 Wanting to move back to IOS, I found myself unable to succeed in whole with any of the available tools. I read a few reviews of top apps, and made an attempt with X-Transfer (available on both IOS and Android) but the app crashed upon scanning SMS.  So quickly in fact that I could not even provide the developer feedback within the app.

I tried Move to IOS but it wouldn't transfer photos,  I tried without photos and it worked, but it was missing my text messages.  My call log did transfer, but at this point I am unable to reproduce it.

I elected to use another  Android phone as a go-between.  I set the backup to exclude Photos and it quickly completed.  I restored the backup to the go-between and it synchronized both SMS/MMS and the call log.  

I tried Move to IOS, and it completed everything including SMS/MMS, but without ever transferring my call log.  I repeated a transfer with X-Transfer, but it failed to allow me to target my call log - the call log was greyed out.  I tried a different tool, but likewise, it would not import to the IOS 13.5 call log.

I finally decided to connect adb to the go-between and manually fish out the call logs.  

I found them as an SQLite DB under /data/data/

The date for each call appears to be epoch-time format but needs to be divided by 1000 to be consumed by the Linux date command.

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